

Forgers of identity documents are becoming more creative
Actual figures show that the number of people arrested for committing identity fraud is rising. The total amount of found false identity documents was 169.592 in 2015 and is growing fast.  …
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Privacy in times of corona
How do you know who you’re doing business with? Criminals are creative in uncertain times and respond quickly to the fear as due to the coronavirus. Privacy protection is therefore an extra impo…
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Coronavirus, the perfect time for remote customer remediation?
Last week we wrote a blog concerning the effect of corona in the flex industry. It’s clear that the coronavirus affects business processes in almost every industry. Organisations are obliged to …
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Online onboarding is becoming even more important for the financial sector
Digital processes are becoming even more important as due to the measures taken regarding to the coronavirus. One of the measures worldwide is to avoid physical contact, which necessitates financial i…
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Time for Remote digitisation in the flex market
The labour market is changing rapidly as due to the coronavirus. The government is trying to collaborate with organisations to preserve jobs and to give employees and employers perspective. The flex m…
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Personal identification: Is Mr. Smith really Mr. Smith?
The way in which a customer is being introduced with a financial advisor, notary, health institution or government employee has changed considerably in this period. This requires a different attitude …
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Know who you're doing business with in times of corona!
Fraudsters noticed that the use of online communication tools increased significantly since the 1,5 meter economy and since that the inhabitation worldwide is working from home. Criminals are creative…
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Need for digital transformation in the notary industry
It’s clear that the coronavirus affects business processes in almost every industry. Therefore, The Dutch Senate approved the temporary law COVID-19 on the 21st of April. This law allows notarie…
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Amendment in law requires cryptocurrency providers to verify
The savings interest rates in Europe are moving towards 0% and this affects the financial wealth of people. In addition, the prices of the stock market have dropped sharply. Investors will look for ot…
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Autocapture new in the Secure ID Link & ID-Selfie
Covid-19 obliges us to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and to avoid contact with people as much as possible. Developments in today’s world confirm that remote verification is becoming incr…
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