Remote verification & identification solutions with the Secure ID Link

Read moreMore information about the Secure ID Link

Mac Donalds
Lloyds Bank
  • Remote identification and verification
  • Guarantee the privacy of a person
  • Easy to apply in the current processes

Remote verification & identification solutions

It is possible to identify a person and to verify an ID-document remotely with the Secure ID Link. The process is set up safely in accordance with laws and regulations. DataChecker complies to all the requirements of the GDPR, We guarantee that all data is encrypted during the process.

How does the Secure ID Link work?

You send a link to the person you want to verify via our portal or API. The link takes te person to a secure environment. This person sends his identity document, additional documentatation an possibly an ID-Selfie via this link. This way you can safely verify the person remotely.




Autocapture makes it possible to automatically capture an identity document and a face by using a smartphone or a tablet. The implementation of this technique makes it even more user friendly to verify remotely.  Autocapture captures if the identity document and the face are well displayed and then automatically takes a photo. We have a liveness check in the ID-Selfie that ensures that the person is also the owner of the identity document. 


You can send a SMS or email with an identification request using the Secure ID Link from the portal, your website or your app. In the request, you can ask the user to make an ID-selfie in combination with ID-verify.

By linking the verification of identity documents to biometric verification, we create an online identification solution. This powerful combination connects the identity document to the individual and provides a solution for reliable online two-factor authentication.

Send a Secure ID Link via your own CRM system?

DataChecker is happy to investigate the possibility of integrating with your desired CRM supplier. We currently have links with a large number of systems. Inquire without obligation about the possibilities.

The technology of DataChecker offers a fast and a user-friendly way to verify the identity; always and everywhere.  

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