Need for digital transformation in the notary industry
It’s clear that the coronavirus affects business processes in almost every industry. Therefore, The Dutch Senate approved the temporary law COVID-19 on the 21st of April. This law allows notaries to communicate temporarily via digital devices with their clients. The * KNB considers this working method appropriate, because notaries must be able to offer continuity to their clients.
The temporary law gives notaries the possibility to perform certain activities via audio visual connection. This includes identifying a person and verifying the corresponding identity document. But, it’s extremely difficult to verify the identity document via an audio visual connection, because this requires expertise.
Identification obliged by the AML- CFT legislation
The notary has been obliged for years to comply with the * AML and *CFT. The identification- and verification process must be organised in accordance with the guidelines of this legislation. It’s required to perform these processes before the notary executes work for the client. The notary can make a copy of the identity document to prove that the organisation complies with this legislation.
Digital transformation for your notary office
The identification of clients and the verification of the corresponding identity document is generally done at physical locations of notaries. Identity documents are often sent by e-mail and this entails risks. Risk mitigation and digitisation are therefore high on the agenda of notaries.
Remote identification and verification
The Secure ID Link has made a positive contribution to many organisations who experienced a digital transformation. It’s possible to identify and verify easily, securely and remotely, which is essential for notaries.
The client receives an e-mail or a SMS with an invitation to identify and verify. It’s essential to execute these processes remotely, especially in times of corona. DataChecker complies with all the requirements of the *GDPR-legislation, so that we can guarantee our clients to process and (optionally) store data in a secure environment.
What are the advantages?
- No identity documents by e-mail anymore;
- Easy to apply in the existing processes;
- Ensure the privacy of the client;
- No more physical identity documents.
*AML = Anti-Money laundering
*CFT = Combatting and the financing of terrorism
*GDPR = General Data Protection Regulation