How do you retain customer trust as an estate agent?
Last week in the Netherlands, the database hacking of a rental property agency came to light. Because personal information was leaked, the scope of the damage is considerable. From citizen service num…
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How do you avoid catphishing on dating sites?
We recently wrote a blog post about minors on dating sites. Rather than meeting someone new at a bar or out in the world, these days it’s super common to date online. But the question remains: h…
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Software integrations for employment agencies
The recruitment and temporary employment sectors represent a major portion of the job market. Agencies do an overall great job of connecting companies and personnel (primary processes). At the same ti…
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Money laundering in the real estate market: also an issue beyond the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, real estate companies that become involved in money laundering are subject to serious fines. If you think the Netherlands is the only country in this position, you would be mistake…
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What are we doing to combat mortgage fraud?
For banks, it is crucial to avoid mortgage fraud. The key is to test reliability before doing business with a person or party. Each year, mortgage fraud causes tens of millions of euro in financial an…
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How do you conduct a thorough screening in the real estate market?
For companies active in the real estate market, it is important to verify the identity of a potential tenant or landlord. It is also vital to determine the trustworthiness of a renter or lessor, based…
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Identity fraud: one of the fastest growing types of crime
Identity fraud is on the rise, as reported by the CMI, the Central Identity Theft and Error Reporting Centre for The Netherlands. There is no conclusive explanation for the huge increase in identity t…
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ID fraud on banks - do you trust your customer?
As a bank, you need to be cautious about who you do business with. Consumers and companies can cause you significant financial harm. They could scam and defraud you by taking out a loan. But the loan …
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How to protect against investment fraud?
Ever more scammers are attempting to offer fraudulent investment services. By simply using the name of an existing company, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to expose the fraudsters. FSMA, t…
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How ‘safe’ are we in online dating?
Jeremy Wright, the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport in the UK, is demanding answers from apps like Tinder en Grindr. Those dating apps are ever more popular with minors. Wrigh…
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